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A "Scientists on the Sofa" discussion on the ethics and social impact of Neuroscience, Science Oxford, Oxford, UK, 14.XI.2007
I was a finalist at perspectives 2007, BA Festival of Science, York, 9 - 15.IX.2007
        where I presented a poster discussing some ethical implications of future progress in Theoretical Neuroscience
        Also shown on an exhibition at the Science Oxford centre, Oxford, UK, 10.X - 16.XI.2007
A poster, comparison of Amari and Evans approaches for studying bump solutions, presented at
        SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, SIAM, Snowbird, USA, 28.V - 1.VI.2007
        and on the workshop Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks, Mallorca, Spain, 17 - 21.X.2007
A talk "Weakly nonlinear analysis for neural field models with time-dependent connectivity"

        at  VI. Crimean School and Workshops: Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 15 - 26.V.2006
        Also given at Theoretical Neuroscience Network Annual Meeting 2006, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 6 - 8.IX.2006
Poster "Amplitude equations for a class of neural field models" at CNS 2006, Edinburgh, UK, 16 - 20.VII.2006
        It featured also on the Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience NEUROMATH 06, Universitat d'Andorra, Andora, 1 - 4.IX.2006
Poster for Coupled60: a workshop on coupled systems, Houston, USA, 3-6.II.2005
                        with title "Neural Field Model with Axonal Time-Delay: Generation of Travelling Turing Patterns"
        Poster displayed at Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 21 - 23.III.2005 
        Also at PFD III: Theoretical Aspects of Pattern Formation, Guilford, United Kingdom, 19 - 23.IX.2005
A "Scientists on the Sofa" discussion on the ethics and social impact of Neuroscience, Science Oxford, Oxford, UK, 14.XI.2007
I was a finalist at perspectives 2007, BA Festival of Science, York, 9 - 15.IX.2007
        where I presented a poster discussing some ethical implications of future progress in Theoretical Neuroscience
        Also shown on an exhibition at the Science Oxford centre, Oxford, UK, 10.X - 16.XI.2007
A poster, comparison of Amari and Evans approaches for studying bump solutions, presented at
        SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, SIAM, Snowbird, USA, 28.V - 1.VI.2007
        and on the workshop Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks, Mallorca, Spain, 17 - 21.X.2007
A talk "Weakly nonlinear analysis for neural field models with time-dependent connectivity"
        at  VI. Crimean School and Workshops: Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Applications, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 15 - 26.V.2006
        Also given at Theoretical Neuroscience Network Annual Meeting 2006, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 6 - 8.IX.2006
Poster "Amplitude equations for a class of neural field models" at CNS 2006, Edinburgh, UK, 16 - 20.VII.2006
        It featured also on the Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience NEUROMATH 06, Universitat d'Andorra, Andora, 1 - 4.IX.2006
Poster for Coupled60: a workshop on coupled systems, Houston, USA, 3-6.II.2005
                        with title "Neural Field Model with Axonal Time-Delay: Generation of Travelling Turing Patterns"
        Poster displayed at Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 21 - 23.III.2005 
        Also at PFD III: Theoretical Aspects of Pattern Formation, Guilford, United Kingdom, 19 - 23.IX.2005